mercoledì 17 ottobre 2007

why do we blog?

why do we tell things to strangers and friends alike? or in some cases tell more to strangers than our friends.. it that we want an outsiders point of view, someone that doesn't know everything about us already?
...or is it that we are more comfortable talking to someone we don't have to see everyday, someone that we may cross paths with but..without thought...

do we blog to be cool? to be known in some wider 'oh did you see stig helmer has just published another post? have you seen his latest photo? he is so cute!'

do our friends not listen to our thoughts long enough to hear what we are actually we must blog, blog, blog..hoping in the thought that someone, (oh dear god) anyone will read our blogs?

i blog so im not in my own head all day..barricaded in by the language barrier..

why do you blog?

2 commenti:

gabblog ha detto...

parla itagliaaaaanooooooo

Anonimo ha detto...

emm.. informative post ))