domenica 13 aprile 2008

is there a cure?

this morning we woke without realising that one of the family was ill..we went about our day without a care in the, cleaning, chatting + eating...
and then the truth was unveiled..just as we sat down to relax..

luca went to wake him up and for a while nothing was wrong and then..a fit..and then another..we let him sleep as we feverishly went about finding a cure..

we need your prayers...the xbox is sick.

6 commenti:

L'oca perdida ha detto...

io ho un alibi: ero a più di mille km di distanza.

ness the goddess ha detto...

it wasn't me..i was knitting.

Gianluca C. ha detto...

Oscar ne compra due.

ness the goddess ha detto...

tu menti.
è bugia.

Anonimo ha detto...


ness the goddess ha detto... was the red ring of death..three quarters...