lunedì 17 marzo 2008

i have a tan plan..

...the sun is i must go outside...sit in the sun..every morning that im not working..i will wear my sunglasses..sitting out on the balcony...and slowly but surely..i will be brown..soon you will be saying 'wow! isnt vanessa looking tanned' and i will say 'yes, its all about my tan plan'.

7 commenti:

L'oca perdida ha detto...

maybe unbelievable, but i have a tan plan too!
every day, at lunch time, one hour of sun at the park.
i'll be brown soon... ops.. i'm already brown...

gabblog ha detto...

as you look more like me, I suggest you not to much sun, ok?
I don't get brown, I get RED!!!
BE carefull!

ness the goddess ha detto...

serena is evil.
...gabo part of my tan plan will be the use of not worry i am aiming for brown not pink...fingers crossed..

gabblog ha detto...

brake your leg!

Anonimo ha detto...

don't forget you are WHITE!

Gianluca C. ha detto...


ba.c ha detto...

I love your white skin....It is very cool!!!!